Unique Features - 台南應用科技大學Tainan University of Technology - TUT
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Unique Features

Overall Development

Applying “cultural creativity” as a core structure, the university integrates culture into environmental establishment, teaching, extra-curricular activities, research, industry-academia cooperation, and societal services to cultivate talent for the cultural creativity industry.   


Colleges and Departmentst:

College of Living Technology

The College utilizes the concept of “a healthy and creative life” to promote health, creativity, and a sustainable lifestyle. It cultivates professionals in fashion design and management, styling and cosmetology, early childhood education and care, food and beverage services, after class care, and the elderly living service industry.


College of Management

The College adopts IHIPI (integration, humanity, innovation, practicality, internalization) as a management concept. It cultivates professionals in accounting, finance, foreign languages, international business management, information management, business administration, and hotel management.


College of Design

The College integrates design innovation into cultural industry to cultivate professionals in visual communication design, interior design, product design, and multimedia and animation.



College of Art

The College endorses integrating artistic abilities and knowledge into living and thinking.  It aims to cultivate professionals in music performance, art promotion and creation, and children’s dance education.


College of Tourism

Based on the evolving idea of “excellent service and appearance, good living attitude, fortified language ability, overseas visits, and job internships,” we strive to nurture our graduates to contribute to the economy and the constructive development of our country and to become future experts in the tourism industry.